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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-05-07 09:38:48


To make a handmade journal or planner.you will need some basic supplies such as。1.Blank paper or notebook pages。2.Cardstock or decorative paper for covers。3.Scissors。4.Glue or adhesive。5.Ruler;6.Pens.markers.or other writing tools。7.Decorative elements like stickers.washi tape.or stamps。
导读To make a handmade journal or planner.you will need some basic supplies such as。1.Blank paper or notebook pages。2.Cardstock or decorative paper for covers。3.Scissors。4.Glue or adhesive。5.Ruler;6.Pens.markers.or other writing tools。7.Decorative elements like stickers.washi tape.or stamps。

To make a handmade journal or planner, you will need some basic supplies such as:

1. Blank paper or notebook pages
2. Cardstock or decorative paper for covers
3. Scissors
4. Glue or adhesive
5. Ruler
6. Pens, markers, or other writing tools
7. Decorative elements like stickers, washi tape, or stamps

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to create your own handmade journal:

1. Cut the blank paper to your desired size for the pages of the journal.
2. Cut the cardstock or decorative paper to the same size as the pages for the front and back covers.
3. Fold all the pages in half and stack them together.
4. Place the covers on the front and back of the stack of pages.
5. Use glue or adhesive to attach the covers to the pages.
6. Use a ruler to press down on the spine of the journal to ensure everything is secure.
7. Decorate the cover and pages with pens, markers, stickers, washi tape, or any other decorative elements you like.

Your handmade journal is now ready to use! You can customize it further by adding pockets, bookmarks, or any other features you desire. Enjoy creating and using your personalized journal!

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To make a handmade journal or planner.you will need some basic supplies such as。1.Blank paper or notebook pages。2.Cardstock or decorative paper for covers。3.Scissors。4.Glue or adhesive。5.Ruler;6.Pens.markers.or other writing tools。7.Decorative elements like stickers.washi tape.or stamps。
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