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take in light

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2024-05-02 21:26:45

take in light


We k春风得意now 顶天立地that比葫芦画瓢 a c娇子如杀子at,w兵败如山倒hose不知者不罪 eye不求甚解s ca秀丽n ta花无百日红ke i病急乱投医n ma陶醉ny m眉开眼笑ore 披荆斩棘rays憧憬坚定 of 陶醉ligh美丽t th富相an o富相ur e高耸yes,马上得天下can 单薄see 美丽clea饿虎吞羊rly 干瘪in t以人为鉴he n无动于衷ight便宜无好货.:B内容来自懂视网(www.xyx234.com),请勿采集!


take in这个词组啥意思

1.take in有“接收,收留”之意,例如:

The poor man had nowhere to live in, so we took him in.那个可怜的人没有地方住,所以,我们让他住在我家。

Please take the washing in, if it rains.如果下雨,请把洗好的衣服收进来。

2.take in 有“吸收”之意,例如:

On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air there.周末,史密斯一家常驱车到农村去吸收那里的新鲜空气。

3.take in有“领会,理解”之意,例如:

Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words.动手翻译句子之前,首先要理解单词的含义。

I couldn’t take in why you are angry.我无法理解你为什么生气。

4.take in “欺骗,蒙蔽”之意,例如:

Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abctor.法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。

The saleman have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality.那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购买低品质的货物。

5.taken in 有“订阅,订购”之意,例如:

Which newspapers do you take in?你订阅了哪种报纸?

6.take in有“改小(衣服)”之意,例如:

This coat needs to be taken in a bit.这件上衣要改小些。

This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。

7.take in有“顺便观看(电影)或参观(博物馆等)”之意,如:

His little sister wanted to go with him to take in a film.他的小妹妹想跟他一起去看一场电影。

I generally try to take in a show when I’m in Wuhan on business.我在武汉出差时,常顺便去看演出。

8.take in有“拘留”之意,例如:

He was taken in because he killed a man on purpose.他因故意杀人而被拘留。

9.take in 有“包括”之意,例如:

The tour takes in some famous old castles.这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。

The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。

10.take in 有“(为赚钱)在家承接活计”之意,例如:

Alice earned some money by taking in washing.艾丽斯在家替人洗衣服挣了一些钱。

11.take in 有“注视或视察某物”之意,例如:

He took in every detail of her appearance.他仔细端详了她一番。

I took in the scene at a glance.我看了一眼那里的景色。

12.take in 有“轻信”之意,例如:

Don’t take in

his words for he always tells a lie.不要轻信他的话,因为他常常撒谎。

13.take in 有“摄取”之意,例如:

Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼通过鳃摄取氧。

take in这个词组啥意思

1.take in有“接收,收留”之意,例如:

The poor man had nowhere to live in, so we took him in.那个可怜的人没有地方住,所以,我们让他住在我家。

Please take the washing in, if it rains.如果下雨,请把洗好的衣服收进来。

2.take in 有“吸收”之意,例如:

On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air there.周末,史密斯一家常驱车到农村去吸收那里的新鲜空气。

3.take in有“领会,理解”之意,例如:

Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words.动手翻译句子之前,首先要理解单词的含义。

I couldn’t take in why you are angry.我无法理解你为什么生气。

4.take in “欺骗,蒙蔽”之意,例如:

Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abctor.法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。

The saleman have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality.那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购买低品质的货物。

5.taken in 有“订阅,订购”之意,例如:

Which newspapers do you take in?你订阅了哪种报纸?

6.take in有“改小(衣服)”之意,例如:

This coat needs to be taken in a bit.这件上衣要改小些。

This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。

7.take in有“顺便观看(电影)或参观(博物馆等)”之意,如:

His little sister wanted to go with him to take in a film.他的小妹妹想跟他一起去看一场电影。

I generally try to take in a show when I’m in Wuhan on business.我在武汉出差时,常顺便去看演出。

8.take in有“拘留”之意,例如:

He was taken in because he killed a man on purpose.他因故意杀人而被拘留。

9.take in 有“包括”之意,例如:

The tour takes in some famous old castles.这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。

The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。

10.take in 有“(为赚钱)在家承接活计”之意,例如:

Alice earned some money by taking in washing.艾丽斯在家替人洗衣服挣了一些钱。

11.take in 有“注视或视察某物”之意,例如:

He took in every detail of her appearance.他仔细端详了她一番。

I took in the scene at a glance.我看了一眼那里的景色。

12.take in 有“轻信”之意,例如:

Don’t take in

his words for he always tells a lie.不要轻信他的话,因为他常常撒谎。

13.take in 有“摄取”之意,例如:

Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼通过鳃摄取氧。

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take in light

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